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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baba Vanga

        Vanga (Bulgarian: Ванга) (31 January 1911 – 11 August 1996), born Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova (Вангелия Пандева Димитрова), after marriage Vangelia Gushterova (Вангелия Гущерова) was a blind Bulgarian mystic, clairvoyant and herbalist who spent most of her life in the Rupite area in the Kozhuh mountains, Bulgaria. Many followers were convinced that she possessed paranormal abilities. She was buried in a churchyard of the Saint Petca Bulgarian Church in the Rupite region.
        Vanga lost her sight when she was 12. She was swept away by a mighty tornado (this claim has not been verified with meteorological records or other accounts from that time). She was found alive, covered with dirt and stones, with sand in her eyes.         She became blind because there were no many for all necessary operations.
        When she was 16 she helped her father find a sheep stolen from the flock providing a description of a yard where the animal was being hidden by the thieves, but only after she turned 30 her powers of foreseeing took shape.
        Vanga claimed that her extraordinary abilities helped her see creatures that were invisible for other people, but she couldn't clearly explain what were those creatures. She said that they gave her information about people and the distance and time didn't matter. According to Vanga, the life of everyone standing in front of her, was like a film to her, from birth till death. But she claimed not beeing able to change "what was written".
        It is said that she foretold the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Chernobyl disaster, Boris Yeltsin’s electoral victory, the date of Stalin’s death, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, Topalov’s victory in the world chess tournament and many other events that now we can say really happened.
        Sice childhood Vanga was believed to be a healer, but only through herbal medicines. According to her, people could heal themselves only by using herbs from the country they live in.
        She knew the precise date of her own death, and before that she had said that a 10-year-old blind girl living in France was to inherit her gift.
        It was well known that Vanga was close to the government of Todor Zhivkov. On several occasions she appeared on public TV with him and other high officials of the Communist Party. It has been alleged that Vanga used data gathered by the secret services to win the trust of her visitors, but there are no proofs regarding this suspicion.
        Skeptics say her prophecies were too ambiguous and that sooner or later, important events like the one she claimed to see in advance, will take place.
        Vanga had been rude to people whom she considered sinful. Their deeds were exposed before she sent them away.
        Followers think that Vanga intentionally might have hidden information, especially bad news, from the people. She said that she is not allowed to reveal certain facts to anybody.

        The Predictions
        “Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.” (1989)
        The World Trade Center Towers in New York collapsed following terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 . The WTC Towers were called “Twins” or “Brothers.” The terrorists drove passenger planes –“the steel birds”- into the towers. “The bush” obviously relates to the name of the U.S. president at that time.
        “Numerous catastrophes and disasters will shake the world. The mentality of the people will change. They will be divided by their faith…” (date unknown)
        Bad times have arrived. Something is happening to the mentality of the people. 2005 tsunami took thousands of lives. Numerous terrorist attacks and ethnic riots also happened.
        “The trains will start flying in 2018. They will be powered by the Sun. Earth will take a rest since they will stop extracting oil.” (1960)
        Scientists plan to extract helium-3 from the lunar soil. The plans regarding helium production on the Moon were made public in 2006. Helium-3 is both a product of the solar activity and a fuel for nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors will produce electricity to power “flying trains.”
        Vanga predicted the beginning of WWII, the perestroika in the USSR, the death of Princess Diana and even the sinking of the Kursk submarine.
        Other predictions made by Vanga:
2008 - Assassination attempts on four heads of states. Conflict in Indonesia. That becomes one of the causes for the start of WWIII.
2010 - The start of WWIII. The war will begin in November of 2010 and will end in October of 2014. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.
2011 - Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere - no animals or plants will be left. Muslims will begin chemical war against Europeans who are still alive.
2014 - Most of the people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases. (as a result of chemical wars).
2016 - Europe is almost empty.
2018 - China becomes the new world power.
2023 - Earth’s orbit will change slightly
2025 - Europe is still barely populated
2028 - Development of a new energy source. (Probably controller thermonuclear reaction) Hunger slowly stops being a problem. Piloted spaceship to Venus deploys.
2033 - Polar ice caps melt. World ocean levels rise.
2043 - World economy is prosperous. Muslims are running Europe.
2046 - Any organs can be mass produced. Exchange of body organs becomes the favorite method of treatment.
2066 - During it’s attack on Rome (which is under control of the Muslims) U.S.A. uses a new method of weapons - has to do with climate change. Sharp freezing.
2076 - No class society (communism)
2084 - The rebirth of the nature.
2088 - New disease. - People are getting old in few seconds.
2097 - This disease is cured.
2100 - Man made Sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet Earth.
2111 - People become robots.
2123 - Wars between small countries. Big countries don’t get evolved.
2125 - In Hungry the signals from Space are received. (People will be reminded of Vanga again)
2130 - Colonies under water (advices from aliens)
2154 - Animals become half-humans.
2167 - New religion
2170 - Big drought.
2183 - Collony on Mars becomes nuclear nation and is asking for independence from the Earth. (same way as U.S. did from England)
2187 - Successfully two volcano eruptions are stopped.
2195 - Sea colonies are fully supplied with energy and food.
2196 - Full mixture between Asians and Europeans.
2201 - Thermonuclear reactions on the Sun slow down. Temperatures Drop.
2221 - In the search of Alien life, human beings engage with something very freighting.
2256 - Spaceship brings a freighting new disease into Earth.
2262 - Orbits of planets start to change progressively. Mars is under a threat of being hit by a comet.
2271 - Physic properties are calculated over, since they changed.
2273 - Mix of yellow, white, and black race. New race.
2279 - Energy out of nothing (probably from vacuum or black holes)
2288 - Travel through time. New contacts with the aliens.
2291 - Sun cools. Attempts to fire it up again are taken.
2296 - Bright flashes on the Sun. Force of gravity changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall
2299 - In France, there is a partisan uprising against Islam.
2302 - New important new laws and mysteries about the universe are uncovered.
2304 - The mystery of the Moon is uncovered.
2341 - Something frightening is closing in with Earth from the space.
2354 - Accident on one of the man made suns, will result in drought.
2371 - Mighty hunger.
2378 - New and fast growing race.
2480 - Two man made suns will collide. Earth is in the dark.
3005 - War on Mars. Trajectory of planets changes.
3010 - Comet will ram into the Moon. Around Earth there is a belt of rocks and dust.
3797 - By this time, everything living on Earth dies. But humans are able to put in the essentials for the beginning of a new life in a new star system.

        Vanga gave this advice:
        “Never take on the fools. They are not so dangerous as they seem, do not try to change them. Morons can do you more harm. They can do something that will cause quite a stir among all the people.”