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Monday, November 22, 2010

UFO In Prehistoric Art

Wondjina gods, Australian Aborigines, 6000 B.C.
      Since the dawn of humanity there has been evidence of sightings and contacts with visitors from outer space.
      Prehistoric man left us carved in stone simbols and drawings of what we now try to interpret and maybe our first impression is the right one: "Yes, it looks like an UFO or alien to me, too!"

Sego Canyon, Utah, USA, 7500 BC

Tassili, Algeria, 8000 BC

Lascaux, France, Paleolithic
Val Comonica, Italy, 7-10.000 BC
Flat bone statuettes with copper ornaments, Gumelnita Culture, Romania, Neolithic
Madhya Pradesh, India

Dogu Statue, Japan, 10.000 BC
Other Dogu Statues, Japan

Lolladoff Plate, Nepal, 3.000 BC
Querataro, Mexico, 7.000 years old
Nazca Lines, The Astronaut, Peru, 600 BC

Cucuteni Statue, Romania, Neolithic
Tanzania, 29.000 years old
Cuenca, Ecuador, Astronaut Statues
Peche Merle Cave, France, paintings, 17.000-15.000 BC

Peche Merle Cave, closer look
Rock art panel near Kilmartin, Argyll , Scotland, Neolithic

Dropa Stones, China, 12000 BC (also read http://aenigmaunveiled.blogspot.com/2010/11/dropa-stones-their-unbelievable-story.html)